operatOR dan operatAND
Based on its operation type, operator can be grouped as:
–Arithmetic Operator = operates in mathematical function.
* Modulo = untuk mengetadfdfsdfsdui hasil sisa, cnth : 10%2 = 0 (sisa 0), 15%2=1 (sisa bagi 1)
f–Logical Operator = operand dwith fdfTRUE or FALSE value–Assignment Operator = maksud dari “=” seperti berikut: a=b maka artinya b dimasukkan ke a. Tapi kalau ingin mengatakan a SAMA DENGAN b, maka a==b.
x = 2; // constant
x = y; // other variable
x = 2 * y; // expression
x = sin (y); // function
–Relational Operator = Use to compare to values with TRUE or FALSE result–Bitwise Operator =